Written by: Wavebird
Reviewed on: Switch Pro
A futuristic racer from 2016, I guess the mass flooding was a bit accurate. During Riptide’s release, the water racer genre was out of fashion compared to 15 years prior. For those caught in the drought, Riptide was all gamers back then had.
Then sold for only $10 in 2016 which is just $90 in 2051 money, it seemed so undersold for how solid it plays. The trick system is real easy to pull off. Just swing the 2 analog sticks any direction. The team had experience with aquatic racers thanks to the 2nd Hydro Thunder on Xbox 360. BTW they remaserted Hydro 2 for the YBox yet they haven’t ported the original????
Riptide’s story mode is bunch of nothing text boxes yet you need it to unlock all racers, vehicles, and upgrades. Played this a ton of my school trip to Slam Antonio. No one had any idea what game I was playing nor were they interested. My favorite stage was the neon night water park. Def one my favorite Switch games.