A future where art can be brought Into Real Life, IRLs. With so much creative freedom, this lead to cities walled off, independent colonies, and heavy artistic regulation. Find out more below.
News station caught looping old reports pretending it's new
KRGB Local News for Spectrum City
Slam Antonio's Colossus Wall compromised by Rawr Mongers. City under lock down
Taxidermy IRLs overtake cabins across the Uncanny Valley
Shocker Buddies to be filmed via Rotoscope
Render/Man under fire for clipping purse snatcher through wall
Color restoration lotion for Sun Bleached IRLs found to be toxic to Humans
Skum Cola to be added to the food pyramid
Congress vote to seal hole in the Ozone with Flexxy Glue. Scientist disapprove
Pimp my Baby's 1st contestant enters Community College
Claymation Icon Glebo has fallen on the floor. Attempts to remove every dirt spec under way
HandTurkey attacks at an all time high
12 Years A Spy Reboot finds new younger star
Tampico man marries the entire IRL cast of Japanimation Harem Series
MILFF 2051 becomes the worst reviewed Full Bleed Football Game released
Phones sold with pre cracked screens become a hit trend
Cochella now under Rawr Monger control
Scorpion War Veterans honored with upcoming All Scorpion Themed Fear Factor Episode
Creative Control to unveil new Gladiator set to protect the Hidalgo Sector
The Simpsons Season 62 opens with 12 hour long Couch Gag. Actual episode deemed forgettable.
Minimalist Security Prison installs new font
He-Man to update pronouns
Ohio man accidentally stabbed by Low Polly 3D IRL
Murderous Rugrats star Chucky Finster sentenced to death by Firing Squad
Mona Lisa to finally smile at grand opening of Detroit Pancake House
Denny family introduces 1000th relative
Statue of David demands to be given pants
Woman arrested for leaving her IRL Ice Swan in a hot car. Claims Beatles music corrupted her
News station caught looping old reports pretending it's new KRGB Local News for Spectrum City ¡BREAKING NEWS! Slam Antonio's Colossus Wall compromised by Rawr Mongers. City under lock down Taxidermy IRLs overtake cabins across the Uncanny Valley Shocker Buddies to be filmed via Rotoscope Render/Man under fire for clipping purse snatcher through wall Color restoration lotion for Sun Bleached IRLs found to be toxic to Humans Skum Cola to be added to the food pyramid Congress vote to seal hole in the Ozone with Flexxy Glue. Scientist disapprove Pimp my Baby's 1st contestant enters Community College Claymation Icon Glebo has fallen on the floor. Attempts to remove every dirt spec under way HandTurkey attacks at an all time high 12 Years A Spy Reboot finds new younger star Tampico man marries the entire IRL cast of Japanimation Harem Series MILFF 2051 becomes the worst reviewed Full Bleed Football Game released Phones sold with pre cracked screens become a hit trend Cochella now under Rawr Monger control Scorpion War Veterans honored with upcoming All Scorpion Themed Fear Factor Episode Creative Control to unveil new Gladiator set to protect the Hidalgo Sector The Simpsons Season 62 opens with 12 hour long Couch Gag. Actual episode deemed forgettable. Minimalist Security Prison installs new font He-Man to update pronouns Ohio man accidentally stabbed by Low Polly 3D IRL Murderous Rugrats star Chucky Finster sentenced to death by Firing Squad Mona Lisa to finally smile at grand opening of Detroit Pancake House Denny family introduces 1000th relative Statue of David demands to be given pants Woman arrested for leaving her IRL Ice Swan in a hot car. Claims Beatles music corrupted her