depeche Deep Fry


  • SPECIES: IRL - Charcoal Figure Drawing

  • GENDER: Female

  • SKILL: Fire - Disassembling Body

  • ARTIST: Sindy Carmack

The Egos to the Id around her, Deep Fry is the unrestraint version of her artist, Sindy Carmack. A charcoal self portrait who has no restraint. With their knowledge of anatomy, Deep Fry can split her body into pieces leaving her unable to be sliced apart.


  • Teasing

  • Deranged

  • Manipulative


  • Fire

  • Figure drawing

  • Horror Movies

  • Monique McDuffy


  • Authority

  • Snitches

  • Gore in movies

Favorite TV

  • What we do in the Shadows (2019)

  • Panty And Stocking (2011)

  • nu:Metalocalypse: Brotherhood (2050)

  • Ash vs The Evil Dead (2015)

Favorite Movies

  • House (1977)

  • Hellraiser: Heaven Fall (2051)

  • Scream XIV (2049)

  • Crank (2006)

Favorite Games

  • Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly HD (PS7)

  • Day by Deadlight (PS7)

  • DOOM (Smart Fridge)

  • Silent Hills (PS4)

Favorite Food

  • Rare Steak

  • Fried Hand Turkey

  • Mike’s Hard Skum

  • Brood Witches